Category Archives: Employability Skills

Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them ’employable’.
Along with the good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from any employee.

Presentation Software | Unit -3 ICT Skills | Session 1 | Employability Skills

#cbseinfotech #it402 Hello Everyone, Presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Video published on by CBSE INFOTECH Find the best courses to improve your employability skills Have you ever checked the

Session 2 & 3 | Communication Skills class 10 computer | Employability Skills Class 10

In this video I have discussed Communication skills session 2 & 3 which is in the new syllabus of class 10 IT code 402. This year cbse has added employability skills in the new syllabus of Information technology code 402 class 10. Unit 1 is Communication Skills. In this video I have discussed important questions…

Communication-Employability Skill

The employability skill communication is about being a good talker or a good writer. It involves being confident about speaking to people (face-to-face or over the phone). It also involves writing well enough to be understood in emails and memos. Video published on by Andrea Evans-McCall Find the best courses to improve your employability…

Learning-Employability Skills

The employability skill learning is about wanting to understand new things and being able to pick them up quickly. It’s also about being able to take on new tasks and to adapt when the way things are done in the workplace change. Video published on by Andrea Evans-McCall Find the best courses to improve…

Interpersonal Communication Skills (Employability Skill Workshop Day-1)

The Video related to Workshop on Employability uploaded on this channel will help you to know the various employability skills & its importance. How it is important in our day to day life as an employ working in the reputed organization. How it is helpful for our personal growth, and our organization too. You can…

New game “Make That Paper” teaches high school students important employability skills

“Make That Paper” is a new game from GPB Education and Georgia Forestry Foundation! It teaches high school students about the forestry industry while also equipping them with important skills for employment. Play the game at Video published on by GPB Education Find the best courses to improve your employability skills Have you…